Sunday, February 19, 2006

Chrissy & Bobby 02/18/06

Only in MN... it's -12 below zero and the bride and groom make a grand exit from Assumption Church in downtown St. Paul cheered on by guests waving sparkers!

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Newborn Portraits

Newborns change so fast! Commission a Newborn Session so you can look back in wonder at how much they have grown. Tips: Newborns are best photographed in their diapers wrapped in a favorite blanket. Parents hands make a great frame of referance for the newborns tiny size. For a home session we will use natural light from a window or patio door and in the studio we use soft studio lighting.

Darling Angels

Or maybe Wild Angels would be a better title! At every portrait session we like to save a little time at the end for PLAY! These sisters couldn't wait to dress up and dance in front of the fan- who know wind could be so fun?!

Portrait Client Corner

Milestone portraits: Our tips for creating the best session for your One Year Old. First, schedule the session post nap. Happy well rested babies are happy to play and be photographed. Give your child time to warm up- often we will have you in these early photos so be ready! Then, relax! We will photograph your child playing, laughing, walking (or trying to)- personality is most important. Here are a few from Anastasia's One Year session- she was just walking so the standing poses are important. She also brought her favorite cowgirl hat!

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

2005 All Wedding Album... will be here soon!

Every wedding photographed by Happily Ever After in 2005 will be featured in our first All Wedding Album. Each wedding will be featured in a double page spread in a Graphistudio album ( and will be on display for all to see at the studio. Why??? Because any photographer can show a few great images from a selection of weddings, but we want to show that we consistantly shoot amazing images at every wedding we shoot!

Above are two pagespreads from the upcoming book.

Winter Weddings... why we love them!
Yes, we freeze, the bride freezes the bridemaids really freeze but winter weddings are a blast! At Amy & Michael's New Years Eve wedding we shot a series at the end of the night on Nicollet Mall. These two were up for anything and thier photos show it!
Look for more winter photos from our February weddings...
Feb 24 Connie & Brian tied the knot hoping for a picture perfect snowy MN day... well it was sunny & no snow in site. We did find some half melted blocks of ice in Rice Park that made for a more wintery feel though.